Quick Page Links:
Orlando Web Design
Orlando Web Design Options
How Much Does it cost in Orlando for Web Design?
Why everyone is moving to Florida
Good SEO is like a Super Power
Web Design Testing
How long does Orlando Web Design take?
Top 10 Web Design Mistakes
Business Consulting
Why “Easy Builders” Sites like Wix & Weebly Suck
One Time I Saved a Business


Orlando Web Design

orlando web designThis is a top-rated company (4.9 stars) for Orlando Web Design.  I do high quality WordPress web sites, with a finer level of design in mind at a price about half of the big companies.  I know because I send them links to my sites and ask them how much they’d charge for a similar site.  Usually double.

My websites grab your attention and don’t let go until you visitor calls you or buys something.  My portfolio speaks for itself.

I have over 20 years of experience, and have learned the tricks of the trade to get the best results possible. That one detail, that one piece of code can make all the difference between getting double the number of calls to your company.

I went to an ‘art school for the gifted’ when I was a kid, and have done stand up and improve comedy for large and small audiences.  I apply those skills to Web Design.  A sense of humor is important when doing this kind of work.   And the graphic designs I zip out have artistic balance to them.

My sites show up in the top of the search results & display perfectly on a phone.  This is called “Responsive Design”.  The site re-arranges itself to fit your phone.  Since 80% of web traffic is now on a phone, this effect is critical to get the most visitors to your site.  If the site doesn’t fit, they will not click.

I make it look easy but it’s not.  I’m proud to say all the sites I’ve built make it to the first page of search results on Google.  With some work, most have made it to the top 3, and that makes all the difference.  Especially in a competitive market.

While the beauty of web design is important, getting at the top of Google is the most important thing.


Orlando Web Design Options

Web Design OrlandoFlorida and Orlando specifically is a competitive marketplace.  If you’ve been in business before, you’ll know that a website is the center of your marketing and a critical to your success.

A website can do almost anything you need it to do online and the public.  The main things are to attractive customers, selling stuff – aka eCommerce, and tell people about your and your organization – which can include setting the record straight.

  • Promote your business, cause or events
  • Your competitors do, and you’ll miss out if you’re without one
  • Sell stuff online
  • Have a way for people to contact you
  • Good status – Show that you are established

Some of the features I usually include in a Web Design have become standard for success.

  • Blog
  • Hosting
  • Header Slider
  • Multiple Pages
  • Show Reviews
  • SSL Certificates
  • Comments Area
  • Embedded Video
  • Take payments online!
  • Logo or Graphic Banner
  • A Basic level of SEO built in
  • Phone and Tablet Friendly Design
  • Google Business Page set up (very important)
  • An Ecommerce system, so you can sell stuff online
  • WordPress Content Management System for easy edits
  • Contact Form – So people can email right from the website


How Much Does it cost in Orlando for Web Design?

web designThe average price for a small business Website is $3,000-6,000.  You would have to do a lot of digging to get that number.  I know because I’ve asked other web designers.  I charge half that for most sites.

As far as a pay schedule goes, I normally charge half up front, and the rest once its finished.

I’ve been a web designer for about 20 years, and have it down to a science.  All of the sites I’ve made show up on the first page of google.

The bigger and fancier the site, the more work and thus, the more it will cost.

However, a website is your most important marketing tool.  Its the center of everything your companies does, so don’t skimp on it.  First time business owners are more prone to this mistake.

Its hard work and good design takes a lot of thought to get you the best results.  If done well, each site is work of art and science together.

Most schools have some kind of web design program, however, few people end up making it in the field.  Its not easy to do good work.


Everyone is moving to Florida

web design orlandoThis means more customers, more people ready to buy your good and services, while the rest of the country is locked inside.

Over 1,000 people a day move to Florida, with Orlando being a top spot.  They’re escaping Covid restrictions, high taxes, high crime and cold weather.

While other states keep increasing the level of lock-downs, allegedly to reduce the Covid rates, Florida has the lowest level of lock-downs, and simultaneously the lowest per capita  rates of Covid.

This is because lock downs make things worse, and Florida has created clinics for free monoclonal antibody treatments, available all over the state.  If you have Covid, just show up at the center for your free treatment.

Like Joe Rogan, my next door neighbor came back from a trip up north with Covid.  I sent them the link to the treatment centers.  She had the monoclonal’s and was cured of Covid in 1 day!  Her husband, who didn’t have Covid, also got the treatment, and didn’t get Covid despite living in the same house with her.

Makes you wonder what’s really going on.  Why does the media ignore monoclonal antibodies, and repeat the word Vaccine like a mantra?

It feels good to be able to share the truth with people.  That’s one of the advantages of having a website.  : )


Good SEO is like a Super Power

Good SEO is like a super power.  It makes the difference between getting a lot of calls and none.

I did an SEO upgrade for Insights Counseling In Orange City FL, and the owner said her business doubled the next day!

I’m not kidding, you can ask her.

For a Dentist Client of mine, he also saw a big increase in business after I made him a new site.  He didn’t have the numbers but it was thousands more a week in business.

SEO itself means Search Engine Optimization.  Its a catchy term that means how well you rank on Google and other search engines, mostly because of how well designed for the search engines your website is.

Search engines have a list 220-300 criteria they evaluate and rank a website by.  They keep this list a secret, but offer advice to Web Designers and SEO specialists.

However, SEO people have deciphered a lot of this list and it often contradicts the advice google for instance gives.


Web Design Testing

orlando web design testingI have several websites I do experiments with, just to test what works and doesn’t.  I’ve  found that both google’s advice and various sources of advice found on the internet and not always right either.  One mistake in SEO can be a loss of rank, until you figure out how to fix it.

What keywords you use and what % of those words are used versus the rest of the text.  How big the images are, the files size of the images, the total file size of the images, the ratio of certain words to others, the coded tags added to images and font sizes used.

Did you notice how the images in the body of this site mostly alternate which side of the page they are on?  There are a lot of variables.  Using

Its mostly about the content and structure of the site.  Planning for it takes a lot of knowledge and research.  For instance, did you know the phrase ‘Orlando Web Design’ has 880 searches per month?

Knowing what your customers are looking for determines how you build the site and the content in the site.  Orlando is a highly competitive market, so good SEO is essential.

I built sites with a basic level of SEO in them.  For your company this may be enough, but if it needs more, I know how to do it to get you to the top.  Officially, a top position in google can’t be guaranteed, but so far all of my clients have achieved it.\


How long does Orlando Web Design take?

Web Design time varies from 4 days to 2 weeks, usually.  It takes a lot of work and thought to do it well.  But I’ve got it down to a system & science.

By using WordPress as the foundation of the website, I can build a site that looks and functions like a designed-from-scratch site for $15,000 to $20,000, in a fraction of the time and price.

I’ve a few people call me ask about ads they’ve seen for a $599 website.  Those are just ads to get you in the door.   You’ll always end up paying more.

Other than a tiny quick site, its hard to build a nice site for that low of a time allotment that amount of money would allow.  3rd world countries don’t even charge that low for a site anymore.


Top 10 Web Design Mistakes

  1. Using “Easy Builders” like Wix & Weebly  (They don’t show up on google well)
  2. Not enough SEO research
  3. Changing it too much once its good
  4. Not enough content for SEO ranking
  5. Not enough SEO effort
  6. Not enough aesthetic balance
  7. Not making the website a priority
  8. Too cluttered or Too Simplified
  9. Incoherent message
  10. Not phone friendly



What about “Easy Builder” Sites like Wix, Weebly & that thing godaddy has?

Web design orlandoSome people see the commercials for Easy-builders sites like Wix and Weebly, but they are are a dead end of web design.  I’ve looked into using them myself to speed up production time, but they suck to say the least.

The sites might look nice, but they don’t show up in search engines like google.  And that’s the main point of a website.  Search engines have always favored WordPress and still do.

Orlando is a very competitive market, so anything other that what really works is not worth the time and resources.

Here is PROOF

web design orlando

Official Cool Artist Jack Hill

There is an artist in DeLand FL named Jack Hill.  He’s a cool guy & good artist.  Someone made him a Wix website.  Its not a bad looking site.

Here is the site www.jackhillsculpture.com

Now, try to find his website with google as if you didn’t know what his site was.  Search for say…”Deland Fl artist jack“.

That’s what I did.  And nada, nothing, zip, zilch.  I really had to dig to find it.  Other people have told me the same thing about his site.

If it was made with WordPress, and with even some basic SEO effort, it would show right up.

Its not just his site, the same goes for any site made with any kind of “easy builder” type platforms.  I would use them if they worked, but they don’t.

And of course, I’m not picking on Jack.  It helps his SEO value for me to put a link to his site.  People actually pay people to put links on other sites, especially high ranking sites like this.  And I’ve giving this one to Jack for free.  I think its worth a free beer at least.  : )


Business Consulting

In doing Web Design over so many years, I’ve seen a lot of businesses at different stages.  I talk to a lot of companies and see how things are going and what works and doesn’t.

I used to do a lot of contract work for large fortune 500 companies in Orlando.  I’d work directly with everyone one staff from the new hires to CEO, learning a lot of how corporate America really works.  I found that IT is like a window into how well a company is doing.

In one day, I might work for two different companies in three locations.  Training staff, getting to know them and what needs to be fixed in the company.

After that, I’ve worked at what has become a large Accounting firm, doing the same thing.  Their IT, marketing, web sites, etc.  I worked closely with the CEO who did a lot of Business consulting, and together we learned a lot about what made small companies successful or not.

Every little change you see it show up in the numbers.

If they failed, you lost a customer.   If they succeeded, or where already successful, they’d stop by and detail just how they did do it.  One guy owns a bottle factory in the area.  He was high level marketing executive that developed some famous marketing campaigns in Europe.  One was the commercial in the 80’s where the Audi drives up a ski slope and stops, to show its new traction system.

He was a newer staff member, and came up with the best idea, it was a huge hit, and was promoted for it.  He moved up and eventually ran the company.

He’d come by our office and give lessons in the conference room on marketing and business. It was quite a treat.  I already thought the ideas he shared so it was interesting to see how I matched up with someone that was such a pro.

All together it was a vast education on what works and doesn’t in business.  What has seems obvious to me in a lot of situations, is not obvious to others.


One Time I Saved a Business

One of my fave restaurants in town was closing down due to the lack of business.  The food was great, and the price was low.  About $6 a meal.

They’re also right across from a big box store with a massively busy intersection.  I told him, the restaurant should have been packed.

He had other places open in Orlando that did very well.  I check their Orlando website, and it was ok.

I didn’t want them to leave since my friends and I would eat there all the time.  One ate there every day, he loved it.  I knew they should be wildly successful.

So I looked around, and told them to trim the bushes and trees out front by the road, and put a banner sign by the road.  Something simple, easy to read and recognize when driving by and only catching a glance.

The next time I came in, the owner was so excited to tell me he got a banner sign.  Soon, he put it out front, and his business went up 15% the same day.  He almost couldn’t believe it.

Another time, he had the bushes and trees by the road trimmed, and it went up another 15%.  Again, he was ecstatic.  He decided to keep the place open.  As I expected, people came in saying they drove by there all the time but never noticed the place.

What does that tell you about most people?

The owner was happy, but wanted to improve the business more.  I told him next, to get a bigger sign on the roof.  Red, with a simple font, bold.

Those signs cost about $5,000, but would be worth it.  Red is the least expensive color to get, but projects the furthest due to the wavelength.

The sign that was up there was orange with a beige wall behind it.  Basically the same color, so no contrast.

I was in there another time, and he had a new sign up.  Again he was ecstatic.

The place was full of customers.  He didn’t know what the percentage of increase was to the new sign, but they had to hire more help.  He was too busy to do the calculations.

Understandably, he and his wife who worked with him, were amazed at the turn around.  It was awesome to help people like that.

The only downside for me was they also doubled their prices…so eat there a lot less.  :/